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Trendyol Trademark Registration: Why is it important?

Trendyol is one of Turkey’s largest e-commerce platforms. Businesses that want to sell on this platform must first register their trademarks. So, why is trademark registration important at Trendyol?

Exclusive Seller Rights

Trendyol grants trademark owners the right to be the sole seller of their branded products. This right is obtained with trademark registration. So, if your trademark is not registered, another seller can sell the same branded products on Trendyol. This is a negative situation for protecting your brand and increasing your sales.

Prevention of Counterfeit Sales

It is easier to prevent potential counterfeit sales on e-commerce platforms with a registered trademark. Trendyol supports sellers who provide trademark registration certificates and takes legal action against sellers who make counterfeit sales. This makes it possible to protect your brand from counterfeit products and secure your sales.

Protection of Brand Value

Trademark registration helps you protect your brand value. A registered trademark is perceived as a symbol of reliability and quality. This helps to increase the number of customers who prefer your brand and raise its value.

Trendyol Trademark Registration Requirements

To register a trademark on Trendyol, you must meet the following requirements:

  • A trademark must be registered by the Turkish Patent and Trademark Office.
  • A trademark must be related to the products you want to sell on Trendyol.
  • A trademark must meet the trademarkability criteria specified in the Industrial Property Law.

Brands Guard is with you from start to finish in your trademark registration process. It provides fast and reliable service with its expert team and ensures that your brand is protected. Brands Guard is your ideal solution partner to increase your brand value and market power.

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