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Trademark Registration

2990 TL+VAT+Government Fees


‏‏‎‏‏‎Free Trademark Search

Document Preparation and Application

Trademark Registration

10 Years Protection

Amazon Brand Registry

4990 TL+VAT+Government Fees


‏‏‎‏‏‎Free Trademark Search

Document Preparation and Application

Trademark Registration

10 Years Protection

Amazon Brand Registry

Response to oppositions and Office Actions

6990 TL+VAT+Government Fees


‏‏‎‏‏‎Free Trademark Search

Document Preparation and Application

Trademark Registration

10 Years Protection

Amazon Brand Registry

Response to oppositions and Office Actions

Brands Guard Guarantee

What is the Brands Guard guarantee?

In the comprehensive trademark application you will make with us, if the trademark you have applied for cannot be registered, you can make your new trademark application by paying only the fees to be paid to the institution without any service fee in your next application.

€ 249
+ Government Fees and Tax


Free Trademark Search

Document Preparation and Application

Representation at the German Patent Office

Trademark Registration

10 Years Protection

Amazon Brand Registry

€ 340
+ Government Fees and Tax


Free Trademark Search

Document Preparation and Application

Representation at the German Patent Office

Trademark Registration

10 Years Protection

Amazon Brand Registry

Brand Identity Research

€ 449
+ Government Fees and Tax


Free Trademark Search

Document Preparation and Application

Representation at the German Patent Office

Trademark Registration

10 Years Protection

Amazon Brand Registry

Brand Identity Research

Fully comprehensive similarity and identity research

Valid for single class application. There is a charge of €120 for each additional class.

€ 299
+Government Fees and Tax


Free Trademark Search

Document Preparation and Application

Representation at the German Patent Office

Trademark Registration

10 Years Protection

Amazon Brand Registry

€ 399
+Government Fees and Tax


Free Trademark Search

Document Preparation and Application

Representation at the German Patent Office

Trademark Registration

10 Years Protection

Amazon Brand Registry

Brand Identity Research

€ 499
+Government Fees and Tax


Free Trademark Search

Document Preparation and Application

Representation at the German Patent Office

Trademark Registration

10 Years Protection

Amazon Brand Registry

Brand Identity Research

Fully comprehensive similarity and identity research

Valid for single class application. There is a charge of €120 for each additional class.

€ 349
+ Government Fees and Tax


Free Trademark Search

Document Preparation and Application

Represantation at the EUIPO

Trademark Registration

10 Years Protection

Amazon Brand Registry

€ 449
+ Government Fees and Tax


Free Trademark Search

Document Preparation and Application

Represantation at the EUIPO

Trademark Registration

10 Years Protection

Amazon Brand Registry

Brand Identity Research

€ 549
+ Government Fees and Tax


Free Trademark Search

Document Preparation and Application

Represantation at the EUIPO

Trademark Registration

10 Years Protection

Amazon Brand Registry

Brand Identity Research

Fully comprehensive similarity and identity research

Valid for single class application. There is a charge of €160 for each additional class.

€ 999

Free Trademark Search

Document Preparation and Application

Represantation at the WIPO

Trademark Registration

10 Years Protection

WIPO Trademark Registration

Wipo trademark registration is the most advantageous and easiest way to register your trademark internationally in multiple countries with a single application. If you have a trademark registration application or trademark registration in one of Wipo’s member countries, you can register your trademark in any member country of your choice. You can see the member countries of Wipo here.The fee includes 3 countries/regions, and each additional country/region will be charged €200

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