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Register Your E-Commerce Company

The full e-commerce package includes the registration of your trademark, as well as the Eori registration, OSS registration and German Vat registration, which are necessary for you to trade in the European Union. Trademark registration your company is ready for e-commerce!

€ 749
+ Government Fees and Tax

Trademark Registration in Germany + VAT Registration in Germany +Eori Registration +OSS Registration

For Trademark Registration;

Free Trademark Search

Trademark application is filed

Trademark registration process is followed

Trademark registration is done

For VAT, EORI Registration and OSS Registration;

Preparation of all necessary forms

Representation of your company before the German Tax Office

  • It is a single class application. If there are additional classes, there is an additional charge of €120 per class.

€ 849
+ Government Fees and Tax

(EUIPO) Trademark Registration + Germany VAT Registration + EORİ Registration +OSS Registration

For Trademark Registration;

Free Trademark Search

Trademark application is filed

Trademark registration process is followed

Trademark registration is done

For VAT, EORI Registration and OSS Registration;

Preparation of all necessary forms

Representation of your company before the German Tax Office

VAT Number and EORI Number allocation procedure

General correspondence with the German Tax Office

OSS application and registration

  • It is a single class application. If there are additional classes, there is an additional charge of €160 per class.
  • The EUIPO application fee is €850.
  • Appeal response is not included in the fee.
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